Gerrit Rietveld Academie
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During 30 August - 05 September Iskra Vuksic edited the front-space.

The kickoff workshop of the Architectural Design department has to do with the preservation of memory through building components and materials. In the last century, thousands of monumental buildings in Amsterdam were demolished for urban renewal, but luckily the ornaments were stripped from the buildings and stored in depots for future use. Today, students visited a depot in Amsterdam-Westpoort to select antique building ornaments and historic gables. Over the course, they will be given a second life. The results of the workshop will be exhibited at the Dutch Design Week as part of the Class of ’21 exhibition.

Front-space archive Book the front-space

Previous, 23-29 August 2021 by Marek van de Watering / Next, 6-12 September 2021 by Public & Projects