Ida Fisker

she/her or they/them instagram: @ida.cmf

Thesis: Twillights

You are looking at a garden of data crystals. They have all processed “radical” data, been used for hacking, or had Pegasus on them. Pegasus is an advanced surveillance bug used by many governments.

In the ethereal landscapes of digital existence, memory takes on multifaceted forms, residing within the confines of hard drives and the transient spaces of RAM.

Minerals, ancient and timeless, find new purpose as they crystallize around the computer bodies—a reflection of the social and political fabric interwoven with our virtual interactions.

This garden is a place for these crystallized objects to rest and grow. They are slowly taking over several realms of existence.

The sound piece, an epic poem set in a fantasy world, explores dark truths: Computers do not serve us unless we take control at a micro level. Our thoughts must be managed to lead to actions that serve revelations. Computers, as overgrown tools in society, highlight hackers as potential freedom fighters in a world of tech feudalism.

Mining inflicts violence on both workers and the land, extending this violence to the industries and machines it supports, such as computers. Our symbiosis with these devices makes us part of this cycle of violence.