Isa Dahan


Dutch, 2000 Instagram: @isadaha, @sid.image

Whilst on exchange in Tokyo for textile design, I worked on a project involving recycling of old kimonos into sculpture. A trip to my grandparents' place sparked a new interest in this project. There, in the village of Hippolytushoef, I gathered blankets, napkins, picnic blankets and all kinds of textiles. I decided to see how I could repurpose them into something new, into the textile sculptures.
A visual world that I have been working on for the past 3 years, is my guideline when it comes to the editing and shaping of the pieces. Like the use of certain images or the way I shape a certain piece, to the specific color I choose to work with.
It is also a research into myself, into my past through textiles and old photographs. And into my present and future through the way I alter them, it is a diary of some sorts. The textile and images referencing old memories and moments in my life, giving the feeling of nostalgia, mixed with weird edits, oddly shaped images and strange textures.
My research revolves around materiality, color, texture, shape and form. Resulting in a diverse array of sculptures referencing anything from a flower from my grandma’s garden to odd looking fruits I once ate, all fitting into my visual world. A place filled with my obsessions and interests, an overfilled archive of collections and ideas.