Rietveld Mulch #1 Introduction: Sharing Mulch

In Rietveld Mulch the Podcast we focus on life after graduation and ask artists, curators, collectives and others in the cultural field to share their Mulch with us.

In a garden Mulch is used a layer of material to cover, protect and feed the soil.

For us Mulch stands for the many interconnected layers that support the development of an art and design practice, from monetary funding to community support.

How to grow a mindful, joyful, and healthy practice?

In the first episode Roman Tkachenko, Suzanne Bernhardt, Bieneke Bennekers and Nina van Hartskamp, introduce Rietveld Mulch by exploring their own Mulch together. How did we funded/mulched our practice after graduation? And how/why did this program come into existence?
