Martin Imler


FRANCE, 2000 @martimler

Thesis: On my way

The expansion of the geographical areas in which we live, through a denser mobility network and the injunction to mobility, requires the use of various representations and tools to understand and situate ourselves in space. We depend on interfaces like Google Maps, offering aerial views and geolocation services. These representations have become so ubiquitous that we often forget their constructed nature, the discourse they embody, and the infrastructures they require. They suggest an objective top-down view of the world, in which we easily accept the authoritarian view. Icarus Downfall explores the myth of Icarus and Daedalus to challenge this contemporary myth of the objective sky view. This video installation presents one main video illustrating the myth of Icarus and Daedalus through the use of GoogleEarth, and Satellite tracking softwares. The installation is completed by four smaller screens giving more context to the video and developing certain point.