Lola Frydman 




Please don't touch

Don’t trash it - it’s my grad work 

Night Swarm in Silk

Please touch



My work focuses on the construction of immersive environments, where a viewer is invited to enter a collage of various works. I have sought to compose my exhibition space in the same way that I composed my book "Please don't touch" – by layering various media, creating a collage on the scale of the space. I search to make a welcoming space, which invites visitors to sit, touch the sculptures and look at three books: Please don't touch, Night Swarm in Silk (a collaborative book based on the photographs of Petru Cruceru and Charlie Spiegelfeld of a performance by Sally Santana.), and Collages (a collaborative book based on Eliot Lebh's photographs, which I reinterpreted into collages and paintings.)