Together with the departments, Rietveld and Sandberg organise a series of monthly lectures to prepare students and recent graduates for professional practice after their studies. By inviting both experts and alums, the series aims to give participants a clearer idea of what professional practice they aspire to and what their first steps will be after graduation.
The programme is open to Rietveld and Sandberg students as well as alums who have recently (less than 5 years ago) graduated.
The monthly programme starts at 17:15 hrs and is followed by a communal meal prepared by the Rietveld Canteen to discuss the topic further and connect with each other. (Note: participants pay for their own meal, we pay for a drink).
Programme 2025
16 January
On residencies as learning environments & International opportunities
Presentations and panel discussion with Rijksakademie, Jan van Eyck, de Ateliers, Hotel Maria Kapel, Kunsthuis Syb and Dutch Culture about international opportunities
Followed by a session with Angela Serino and Jonas Vansteenkiste
27 February
On Dutch Funding System
Presentations and panel discussion with Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Mondriaan Fonds, Stimulerings Fonds and Voordekunst.
Followed by a session hosted by Pedro Matias
13 March
On positioning yourself as an artist
27 March
Legal Life After Rietveld and Sandberg
On issues related to getting your visa after graduation
March / April
Practicum Generale workshops on funding application writing & bookkeeping
24 April
On the life-work balance
We hope to see you there!