Rietveld Review(ed) is part of the Graduation Show’s side programme.


In 2023, the academy organised a third edition of Rietveld Review(ed) as part of the Graduation Show’s side programming. An independent, external committee was asked to reflect on the Graduation Show as a whole, and to identify current tendencies and themes within the exhibition. The reflections and observations were processed and turned into a reflection report which is made available here online.

>>> Download the reflection report 2023 (pdf) here.<<<

On Saturday 8 July 2023 at 15.00 hrs online radio station Jajajaneeneenee hosted a public radio show in the Auditorium (Fedlev building) dedicated to Rietveld Review(ed). Partly connecting to observations in the reflection report but also to other related topics. 

Listen to it here


Committee members

Art & Design committee members:

> Audrey Large researches digital cinema and image theory and uses her findings to design material objects. She plays with the boundaries between the digital and the physical.

> Federico Martelli is part of Cookies, a spatial design office based in Rotterdam and Paris. He specializes in museography and exhibition design, and he recently launched OtherNetwork, a digital platform that connects independent art spaces globally. 

> Ghita Skali is an Amsterdam-based artist. She uses odd news, rumours and propaganda to disrupt institutional power structures such as the western contemporary art world, state oppression and government politics. 

> Megan Hoetger is a performance and media historian and curator. Since 2019 she has been programme curator of the arts organization If I Can’t Dance, I Don’t Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution.

Thesis committee members:

> Brenda Tempelaar is an artist and writer, founder and editor of The Long Tail of Art. She publishes on contemporary art and forms a collective together with Rob Leijdekkers and Hedwig Houben.

> Sébastien Tien is an artist, writer and founder and director of the bookstore project Page Not Found, a space for publishing as artistic research in The Hague.

> Paula Albuquerque (Chair) is an artist, scholar working on Surveillance and Specters of Colonialism and Senior Researcher and teacher at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie.

Video portraits

The Rietveld Academie also presents video portraits of the Rietveld Review(ed) artists and their projects. With these portraits, the art academy highlights and celebrates remarkable art projects by the next generation of artists. Each video portrait was made in close collaboration with the artist to give insight into their way of thinking and working. Take a look at the portraits here.