Anna Reymond


Swiss/French, 2000

Instagram: @anna_reymond_

Thesis: The Mad, The Witch and The Muse

Ever since I was a child, I’ve always been daydreaming. Lulled by my fantasy fiction readings, I’ve fantasized of parallel universes, of alternative identities. I’ve always believed that I craved to be invisible, but was this really a choice or rather something I’ve been taught? Was it linked to my gender, my personality? I sent a questionnaire and collected twenty stories from women of different nationalities and ages on the themes of invisibility and hauntedness. With their answers and the work ‘Become Invisible’ from Nye Ffarrabas as a red thread, I composed a new narrative that became a sound. I wanted to find a mediation that would allow these voices to be heard carefully without getting lost. That's why I've created this listening table that hopefully leaves room for vulnerability and honours these testimonies. Their words spins in a loop like a modern tale that haunts us.