The Gerrit Rietveld Academie is proud to present eight new video portraits of selected 2022 graduation projects as part of Rietveld Review(ed). With these portraits, we highlight and celebrate remarkable art projects by the next generation of artists. Each video portrait was made in close collaboration with the artists to give insight into their way of thinking and working.

The video portraits show the work of: senakirfa a., Sharan Bala, Pim Sem Benjamin, Minjoo Choi, Ayano Koda, Ana Resende, Anna Tamm, and Lucía Vives.

All videos will premiere at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie on 8 December. The film screening is open to all students and the public.

When: Thursday 8 December at 17:00 hrs.
Where: Theorystairs, Fedlev building, Rietveld Academie campus
RSVP: here

17:00 hrs: doors open
17:15 hrs: introduction by Maaike Lauwaert
17:20 hrs: video screenings
17:45 hrs: drinks

Afterwards, a new video will be launched every day from 9 December to 16 December on the Rietveld Academie's online channels.

Current trends and themes
Rietveld Review(ed) is part of the side programming of the Graduation Show. It is a tool for reflecting on theclass of 2022, and consists of three parts: a reflection report, a public conversation about the report and a series of video portraits. The reflection report contains the findings of an external committee of art and design professionals. They were asked: what stands out in this year's graduation show and theses? Are there recurring motifs, materials or ways of exhibiting? And what do these trends tell us about this generation of graduates? The report is available here (pdf). The committee was also asked to select several projects that support their observations; these projects can now be seen in the video portraits made by Luuk Heezen and Rik Lauwen.

Committee members
This year's visual arts committee members were: Özgür Kar (visual artist), Gabrielle Kennedy (design journalist), Katia Krupennikova (curator), Silvia Martes (visual artist), Basse Stittgen (artist and designer). This year's thesis committee consisted of: Clara Amaral (visual artist), Nathalie Hartjes (curator and writer), Patricia De Vries (research professor at LASP, formerly known as LAPS).

Video series
The approximately three-minute videos make the artworks accessible to a wider audience; the projects outlive the week of the Graduation Show (6-10 July 2022) and can also be seen internationally. The videos give you the chance to (re)experience the art projects, but above all to dive deeper into the work and hear more about the artist's ideas and inspirations. 

This is the third year in a row that the Rietveld Academie has produced these video portraits. Taken as a whole, each series provides insight into the recurring themes and techniques that the Rietveld Academie graduates were focusing on at that particular time.