RietveldTV by Daphne Rosenthal: Starry Message will be broadcasted on AT5 Saturday 26 January and Sunday 27 January at 10.40 PM

Starry Message is a mosaic-film made out of of found footage and images Rosenthal shot around the house, at an aquarium and at sets made at her studio. It presents self-contained worlds, soothing for the eye and the body - no surprise such visuals are often used as meditation tools. Watching images of a jellyfish gracefully swimming behind glass is mesmerising and quiet - an utterly different experience than actually encountering one at sea, let alone when it bites you. An image of a hand drawn map of the Pleiads, like the one Galilei made in 1610, is far removed from its source - a series of gigantic fireballs deep in the vastness of space. Watching an ideal moment of love in film may give rise to feelings of tenderness and intimacy, even emotional catharsis, it may even add something to your ideas and beliefs of what love is, but it is not your own experience projected. Adding playful animations on top of and below such images, Rosenthal opens up new perspectives, like a dance -often light and afloat, sometimes hinting at darker longings.