
Front page, week 36 2020

Alyson Sillon 
France, 1997

Thesis: I am not always where my body is





For my thesis “I am not always where my body is”, I researched the ritualistic aspect of techno parties and their healing potential, specifically with regards to socially oppressed bodies. According to society, my body corresponds to the female gender with a mixed-race identity. These characteristics have an impact on the way my body is perceived and therefore ruling how I am allowed to behave and take space. Attending techno parties allowed me to make a profound discovery that revealed unconsidered perspectives about my body. 

I furthered this observation by graphically developing a mythology that translates my vision of these rituals. Inspired by the Kemetic Yoga practice and its symbols, I aim to affirm the Black roots of techno and reaffirm the spirituality of these events. 

Before/After is a multi-sensory installation that will be activated everyday by performing a preparation ceremony. It consists of a body warm-up routine developed with the wellness trainer and performer Lisa Tabord (@lisaesta8). The outfits of the performers are styled by me and the third performer and artist Joel Harder (@ranelagh_harder). The soundscape is composed and performed live by the Dj and artist Eljesa Beka (@bekaeljesa), the room is filled by a scent developed in collaboration with the apprentice perfumer Shin Oba (@shin_oba) from IFF (@artofperfumeryatiff).

Projects by: Alyson Sillon