Would you like to find it what’s it like to study at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie? Without leaving home, you can get to know the Rietveld Academie’s full-time and part-time bachelor’s programme, as well as the preparatory trajectories, the extracurricular activities and the facilities.

Download here the full time schedule as a pdf

This programme takes place on 28 January 2022 at openday.rietveldacademie.nl 

Are you ready for the Online Open Day?
- The best browsers to access the online platform are: Chrome or Brave
- Preferably use your computer instead of your mobile device.
- We recommend that you not have multiple pages open as the website is quite heavy.
- Please allow the browser to use your camera and microphone at the start; you can turn this off again at any later moment.
- At the start, you can enter your name and change your avatar.

Scroll down for the complete programme

* All mentioned times are in CET - Central European Time, UTC/GMT +1 hour *

Preparatory Courses Q&A's

The academy offers three preparatory trajectories – one workshop series and two extensive courses – so you can get a taste of the Rietveld Academie or prepare yourself for the bachelor’s programme.

11.40 hrs: Rietveld op Proef workshop series

12.00 hrs: Orientation Course

12.20 hrs: Preparatory Course

16.00 hrs: Rietveld op Proef workshop series

16.20 hrs: Orientation Course

16.40 hrs: Preparatory Course

Full-time Departments Q&A's

Did you know that the full-time bachelor’s degree programme starts with a general formative year (Basicyear), after which students can make an informed choice from no less than twelve different specialisations (the departments)? During the Open Day you can get to know every department during the live presentations and Q&A’s. These talks take place at least twice a day, make sure to check the time schedule. You can also chat with students or teachers about the educational programmes.

11.40 hrs: Fashion

11.40 hrs: Image & Language

11.40 hrs: VAV - moving image

12.00 hrs: designLAB

12.00 hrs: Fine Arts

12.20 hrs: Architectural Design

12.20 hrs: Jewellery - Linking Bodies

12.40 hrs: Ceramics

12.40 hrs: TXT (Textile)

13.00 hrs: Photography

13.20 hrs: Graphic Design

13.20 hrs: The Large Glass

14.00 hrs: Jewellery - Linking Bodies

14.00 hrs: Image & Language

15.00 hrs: Basicyear

15.20 hrs: Architectural Design

15.20 hrs: Fashion

15.20 hrs: VAV - moving image

15.40 hrs: designLAB

16.00 hrs: Image & Language

16.00 hrs: TXT (Textile)

16.20 hrs: Ceramics

16.20 hrs: Fine Arts

16.20 hrs: Photography

16.40 hrs: Jewellery - Linking Bodies

17.00 hrs: Graphic Design

17.00 hrs: Image & Language

17.20 hrs: The Large Glass

Part-time Departments

DOGtime offers a five-year programme with two propaedeutic years, followed by three in-depth years when students can specialise by following the courses in Expanded Painting (EP) or Unstable Media (UM). Learn more during the chat and/or Q&A's

14.40 hrs: DOGtime chat

18.00 hrs: DOGtime Q&A


You can already sign up for portfolio consultation or in-depth information about DOGtime’s programme and curriculum
Duration: 20 min.
How: Only by appointment.
Mail dogtime@rietveldacademie.nl to make an appointment or for questions.


Visit the info desk to get information about the admission process, financial matters, housing and studying in Amsterdam. Here, you can also ask for advice for preparing a portfolio as part of your application to study at the Rietveld Academie. The Student Office will be available all day in the chat, and make sure to check the time schedule when you can join the video calls with the Student Office and the teachers who give portfolio advice twice a day.

13.40 hrs: Info desk (admission, finance, housing)

14.20 hrs: Portfolio Tips

16.40 hrs: Portfolio Tips

17.20 hrs: Info desk (admission, finance, housing)


11.00-18.00 hrs: Canteen Chatters

11.00-19.00 hrs: Info desk (apply, housing, finance)



Live Reporters

11.00-18.00 hrs

Join the virtual tour around campus by our live reporters. Explore the 3 buildings, the 23 workshops and more.

Livestream Unsettling x Unions

11.00 - 18.00 hrs

Unsettling functions as an intra-curricular platform, working actively between and beyond the structures and discourses of the academy to unsettle the Rietveld and Sandberg from the roots up, supporting existing initiatives, while also developing outreach programs, drawing in new perspectives, and making the context of the academy more inclusive to other voices, minds and bodies. For those who are here, and those who are not, yet...

Every Thursday the Unsettling Station is open for conversations in person; for newsletters, questions, collaborations and updates on our program/events please email: unsettling@rietveldacademie.nl and visit the website unsettling-rietveldsandberg.net 

Student Unions. Students of colour came together and initiated the Student Unions under the roof of Unsettling. These are various student Unions such as the Black Student Union, Near East Union, Asian Union, Latin American Caribbean Union and Queer Union. The aim of the student unions is to create safety networks where students can find support, solidarity, and grow together.

You can email us to connect: 





Livestream Pavilion x Journal x Radio

11.00-18.00 hrs

"A single broadcast hosted by Radio, Pavilion, Journal. It will include films, performances, readings, talks and music. The mediums that unite the three platforms into one. We believe this way it represents the versatility of what’s possible within the three initiatives best."

Livestreams by departments

11.00-18.00 hrs:



Graphic Design @ Rietveld Pavilion


VAV - moving image @ Film Studio


13.00-18.00 hrs

Fine Arts